NYT Book Review
Every Sunday morning the New York Times slaps my driveway long before my day begins. Today, I awoke to the smell of muffins in the oven and the laughter of my family, happily baking away. They know I sleep in on Sundays. They plan for it. By the time I dragged my semi-conscious self…
In print and on the interwebs
I didn’t even know the book had been released. The official launch is next Friday. I’ll be doing a reading at Rice University. So thrilled. Buy it today! https://www.amazon.com/Out-Many-One-Celebrating-Diversity/dp/0996982434/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1492655001&sr=8-1&keywords=out+of+many+one%3Acelebrating+diversity
A Monster Calls for a Review
A few months ago, I first saw a preview for the film “A Monster Calls” and was immediately struck by the imagery of grief personified as a monster. I thought it was a brilliant idea. The story seemed simple enough and even from the preview – spoiler alert! – I was sure the mom…
New York, New York
We just got back from NYC. We saw two Broadway plays, one musical, and the opera. We fought our way through the throngs to see the window displays near Rockefeller Center and through an obscene mob at the Museum of Natural History. The Frick Museum was a nice respite from the madding crowd, however.…
Log Truck
So, no spoilers here, but there is a mention of a log truck in Austin in Jasper. No story set in East Texas could be without one, especially one set in a paper mill town. When I went in to Barnes and Noble today, this was staring at me: Austin’s voice inside me quivered with…
Short Story – Flaming
I submitted a short story based on my novel, Austin in Jasper, to the Houston Writer’s Guild writing contest called “Out of Many One – Celebrating Diversity.” This week I was notified that my story, Flaming, was a finalist. There is a decent chance it will be published in their planned anthology of the same…
Armed and not so dangerous
This week, I got my sword from Kuk Sool Won, the privilege of the Dahn Bo Nim. I was so excited, until I had to do Sword Meditation #1 for twenty minutes from a kneeling position. I thought my bad knee (left) and bad ankle (right) were going to snap off. Plus, it apparently…
Houston, We Have a Sign
I went to Houston last week to get a photo of a river sign. A long drive for a tiny thing. It is a very busy bridge on Interstate 10, so it was a little spooky to get out of the car and try to take a picture. Flip flops were not the best choice,…